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Declaration of Covenants







            The Association’s governing document is called the Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements.  If you were not given this legal document at the time of your closing, you should contact your settlement attorney.  As an owner, you are responsible for complying with the content of the document.  Two areas of importance are presented in part:




            The purpose of the Association’s Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is to review requests from homeowners for property site and home improvements by homeowners, and to ensure that the improvements are in keeping with the appearance standards of the community.  Examples include:


                        Structures of any type.

                        A change in the exterior color of your house or trim on the house

                        Changes in landscaping

                        Removal of trees

Fencing of any type

                        Lake line treatments for lake lots


            In summary, any additions, improvements or changes to the exterior of your home or lot must be approved by the ACC.  Avoid a problem in the future by going through this simple process before you start the work.  Please submit in writing your drawings, lot plans and specifics on materials (type, color, etc.) to the Ashton Glenn Architectural Control Committee.




            Many of the covenants and restrictions (taken from the Association’s governing documents) are summarized below; however, each homeowner is responsible for complying with all of the covenants, restrictions and easements as stated in the Association’s governing documents.


·        No fence or wall of any kind shall be erected with out the prior written approval of the ACC.

·        No construction or alteration of any structure shall take place without the prior written permission of the ACC.

·        No clotheslines; no exterior television or radio antenna.

·        No satellite dish or solar equipment allowed without prior written permission of the ACC.

·        Garbage cans shall be kept screened by adequate planting or fencing so as to conceal them from view by neighboring residences and streets.

·        Garbage containers shall be screened or enclosed except on the day of pick up.

·        Owner shall keep and maintain each lot and structure owned by him or her, as well as all landscaping, in good condition and repair.

·        No commercial vehicle, house trailer, mobile home, motor home, recreational vehicle, camper, truck with camper top, boat or boat trailer shall be permitted on a permanent basis, but shall be allowed on a temporary basis not to exceed 48 consecutive hours.

·        Recreational and playground equipment shall be placed or installed only on the rear of a lot as approved by the ACC.  No above ground pools.  No motorized boats allowed on lakes.  Basketball goals may be placed adjacent to the driveway.

·        An approved house “for sale” sign must be acquired from the Association for this purpose.

·        No activity may take place which creates erosion or siltation problems.

·        No animals may be kept for commercial purposes.  No animals shall be allowed to become a nuisance.  No structure for the housing of any animal shall be placed on any lot unless approved by the ACC.

·        No person shall dump rubbish or garbage on any lot or on common property.

·        No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done which may be an annoyance to the community.

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