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Pool Committee

                                 Pool Committee

Bonnie Fidler, Chairperson    843-215-4002


Mission:  To ensure that the health and safety when using the pool and associated areas so that residents receive maximum enjoyment




Perform daily inspections of the pool, shelter, restrooms, and adjacent areas to ensure compliance with State and local health and safety codes


Organize and participate in a general cleaning of the pool area, furniture each spring prior to the opening of the pool, and each month during the season that the pool is open


The general oversight of the pool maintenance company and on-site contact with their representative at least weekly during the season


Perform necessary pool testing and a general cleanliness check of pool areas and restroom areas on days that the pool maintenance company does not perform the service.


Make recommendations to the Board regarding any changes modifications or improvements both capital and operational to the pool areas


Reviewing and recommending bids for pool maintenance to the Board


Submit minutes and/or reports of meetings and activities to the Board


Prepare and submit annual a budget to the Board

